Having made a small fortune, Richard Sears retires from business for a second time, but stays in retirement for only one week before he approaches Alvah Roebuck about reestablishing their business partnership.
Sears and Roebuck, who re-teamed in 1891, form A.C. Roebuck Inc.
A.C. Roebuck, Inc. changes its name to Sears, Roebuck and Co.
Sewing machines, bicycles, sporting goods and a host of other new items expand the catalog to a whopping 322 pages.
Dolls, icebox refrigerators, cookstoves and groceries debut in the catalog.
Roebuck leaves the company. Julius Rosenwald becomes a financial partner.
Catalog adds washing machines, cream separators and the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Spring and fall catalogs debut, featuring the slogan "Cheapest Supply House on Earth."